April 2021 Club Goals Update

Welcome to your monthly club goals update! We set these goals to guide our strategy for the year and we want to achieve all of them! As always, your engagement and support is vital to doing anything!


All in all, we’re making incredible progress! If you’d like to get involved in the club, please reach out to any officer!

Our goals and progres so far:

  1. Achieve an active membership of 100 (we are currently at 89)
  2. Get 100 alumni in our private LinkedIN networking group (we are currently at 20)
  3. Interview 100% of Tier 1 and 2 applicants (100% - 117 of 117 interviewed)
  4. Award 10 Book Prizes (push coming soon)
  5. Share 12 newsletters (13 shared - boom!)
  6. Maintain a healthy bank account balance and fiscal discipline (We are consistently above $2,500) 
  7. Organize 4 networking events (we have 3 so far, with a 4th coming up!)
  8. Host Alternative Spring (or Winter) Break (done)
  9. Post 5 jobs from Alabama-based organizations at OCS (getting this rolling)
  10. Distribute $10,000 to Alabama Harvard students ($7900 distributed through our exitsing scholarship)

We hope this gets you as excited as we are. As always, we welcome your comments and suggestions!