Quarterly Gatherings
Join the fun!
In Montgomery, Regional Rep Dawn Marie Williams hosted quarterly coffee recently and was joined by Chuck DiLaura (center) and Michael Crespi (right). Chuck was profiled by the Club recently. Michael, a retired lawyer-turned-watercolor artist, lives in Dothan. Contact Dawn Marie to be added to her e-mail list for Montgomery-area events.
Tuscaloosa Regional Rep Allen Henry hosted quarterly lunch at Central Mesa recently and was joined by Jim Zeanah (left) and Peter Visscher (center). Allen reports, "We solved a few world problems and reminisced about days in Cambridge." Contact Allen to be added to his e-mail list for Tuscaloosa-area events.
In Huntsville, Reional Rep Elizabeth Hamrick has hosted two events in the last few months. The first (pictured here) was morning coffee at Honest Coffee, which the second was a casual, come-and-go-as-you-can at Old Black Bear Brewing. Elizabeth reports that she is in the process of arranging other regular events in addition to quarterly meet-ups at various locations in the greater Huntsville area, includinng an evening of service at Manna House, an outing at the Huntsville Botanical Gardens and the Harvard-Yale Game viewing party. Reach out to Elizabeth to be added to her e-mail list for Huntsville-area events.